Day 3: Conference Day

Today we did nothing but have conference, after conference...after conference. It was exhausting absorbing this information all day long but it was also entertaining and hands on. We did alot of collaboration and group work with new people (they assigned us seats so they split us up)

Our first activity was about packing for a long trip to Mars. Our mission was to determine what items our group will take to Mars and fit them in a huge box. 

The second activity was planning a mission to Mars and we had 300$ to design a rocket that made sense and fit all the unknown criteria (my group ended up buying a mechanical arm but didn't have a rover to put it on.. oops)

Then we had lunch in building 3 which they said we'd probably never enter again so that was cool.

After lunch we had a video conference with Karyn Long about the Hidden Figures movie and the females who made history.

The rest of the afternoon was spent designing and building a satellite using cheap, household items and launching it using up to 3 balloons. 
